Dream Big

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Unleash Your Potential in Law Enforcement!

Are you looking to land your first job in law enforcement? Look no further and check our courses today!

Discover your 'WHY' and navigate the path to success with A.M. Development. Our tailored tools and systems will help you stand out in the assessment and interviewing process, leading to the perfect career fit for you.

Take control of your future now!

What do we offer

Coaches who work on the field

Step-by-step video guides & worksheets

Personal, professional profile

Our team of working Lieutenants in a large metropolitan area brings 40+ years of experience in patrol, investigative, and instructor assignments. We've successfully mentored and assessed candidates nationally, leading to successful careers.

Learn how to tackle complex problems with video instructions and practice examples. Benefit from A.M.D.'s own 3-Phase Response Checklist, with 60+ crucial decision-making points.

Discover Your Unique Strengths. Stand out in the job market and find your perfect fit by understanding your strengths and how to apply them.

T.A.P./R.A.K. and T.L.P. System

P.R.O.B.L.E.M. Identification System

Decision and Notification Compass

Unlock your leadership potential! Tap into your strengths and build leadership skills with personalized systems addressing after-actions and community follow-up.

Solve Problems with Ease using our P.R.O.B.L.E.M. Identification System. Discover your unique problem-solving strategies and identify root causes in any situation. Take control of challenges!

Stay on Course! Our unique compass provides a 360-degree view and guides you to execute your strategies with confidence. Navigate challenges with ease!


"AM Career Development understands that leadership can both be learned and a natural ability. They proved to me their unparalleled ability to TAP into my leadership qualities, expose my experience, and build on what was already there to tailor an assessment center prep course that prepared me to shine above 99% of the other candidates at my PD. Distance and time was not a barrier. They worked around my schedule with late-night phone calls, emails, video chats, and recordings. Lieutenant Folmar was a consummate professional who was deeply committed in excellence to my development.

AM Career Development was not only a worthwhile investment for the police assessment center, but the skills I learned has helped in my new role as Lieutenant and in everyday life. For the police candidate who wants to be uniquely prepared for the assessment center, AM Career Development training is a must! #promoted!"

-Lieutenant McLean

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